
Dayle Spencer’s deeply personal “Loving Allie” offers an insightful and candid look at the cycles of life and death we must all encounter. Whether currently in grief or not, we highly recommend it for all families.”

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
39th President and Former First Lady
United States of America
NY Times Best Selling Authors

“It’s not just a ‘mother’s journey.’ It’s everyone’s journey.”

Louie Anderson
New York Times Best Selling Author

“’Loving Allie,’ provides an incredibly powerful account of the grieving and healing process for anyone who finds herself or himself at odds and ‘lost’ in trying to find the way out of the darkness that such a tragedy brings to the grieving family. This alone is an enormous gift to leave behind for those searching for guidance and understanding of what often feels as ‘not understandable.’”

Anthony Elite, MD, Psychiatry
Former Senior Psychiatrist
Student Health Services
University of California, Berkeley

“’Loving Allie,’ is one of those little books that can make a big difference in the lives of those dealing with grief and recovery issues. Instead of numbing ourselves to the pain of great loss, it offers a more enlightened pathway to healing. I highly recommend it.”

Norman M. Estin, MD
Medical Director, Doctors on Call
Medical Director, Maui Urgent Care Center
Olympic Physician

“Straight from the heart and from the soul of a mother grappling with the unthinkable—Dayle Spencer tells her story of “Loving Allie,” with generosity and courage, leaving the reader with the transcendent power of love.”

Beth M. Karassik, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Founder, The Close

“The author gives a valuable primer for any one of us dealing with a crisis or personal tragedy. As a therapist, I highly recommend it. “Loving Allie,” is an ancient human story of loss; one we all in some way have shared and can learn from.”

Barbara Findeisen, Psychotherapist
Past President Association of Prenatal and
Perinatal Psychology and Health

Founder, STAR Foundation

“In this deeply moving remembrance of her daughter, Allie, Dayle Spencer helps heal herself and illuminate us all with the power of memory and love. A privilege to read!”

William L. Ury, Ph.D.
Co-founder, Harvard Negotiation Project
Global Best Selling Author
